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Full Version: Fates Art - D&D Collection.
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Ive lately been drawing certain events that happen in my home Dungeons and Dragons group, most of them are pretty crappy but some *I think* are somewhat decent, or at the very least they are not so bad you will find yourself reaching for the nearest fork to stab out your eyes. Cause ya know that would make playing RO pretty damn hard. So ill be posting these somewhat decent ones to get your opinions on them and so I have a place to direct my friends if they ever want to see my art.

Ill start simply with my Drow Hexblade nicknamed Zero.
[Image: Scan10-10-311136.jpg]

Whether more show up here or not depends on whether my drawing ability doesn't drop suddenly like it tends to do.
Not bad. Icon_smile
I see no weapon. xP Pretty good, though.
Hexblade my friend, they summon them and dispel them when needed. Gotta love D&D Essentials.
Oh, totally forgot about that. XD My bad.
really lovin the hair and skin *_*

good job~
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