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Full Version: A>Am Mut Card~
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Yah, Am Mut card, the card that gives 10% more experience from demi-humans and take 20% more damage from them.??It is a shoe card.

SB: 7mil
Minimum bid increments: 200k

I'll leave it up till uh...Friday at 10AM or so.

*Thorny Shield[1]'s (value 2mil each)
*Hunting Spear[1]'s (value 500k each)
*Goblin Card (value 2mil)

That is all.
Edit: Very sorry about the typo from it saying 10PM would be the ending time, I meant AM. X-x

SB I guess.
7.2m XD
Auction ends tomorrow, so small bump in case there are any last minute bidders out there. ;D
Nom nom nom, sorry so late on this but Nagato I'll try to get in contact with you next week to trade the card over to you.
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