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Full Version: Freaky stuff
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My screen keeps flashing white in a Guild castle and the background turns negative color scheme. When that ends, my chat screen, map, and info bars turn pitch black. Anyone else having this issue?

(Doesn't think I can screen shot the weirdness happening)

First happened in the Test Server and now its happening in WoE.
I always have same problem at ice cave 3.. and as Kiyo said just reopen the client.
It never happened to me near water.

But ya it did clear up when I got back on after my internet died.
Isn't that the issue that /lightmap can fix temporarily? I always use that instead of relogging. I only relog when my parties are done
After testing a few things...It only seems to happen when someone casts Assumpto and another buff that I can't remember right now.

No it isn't the map's lighting that messes up for me. The screen turns into its negative colors.
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