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MY BGM's aren't playing.??I've never had this problem before I returned a couple of weeks ago; and I'm fully updated.

BGM's are on and turned up, per the options menu.

They were in Program Files/Gravity/heRO/BGM, then I moved them to Program Files/Gravity/RO/BGM.??Still, nothing.

Anyone have any ideas???I see one other person was having this issue last year, but never said if it was resolved.
Are you using a different installation ? Are you sure the Volume is turned up In-game ?
Yes, volume is turned up. Not sure what you mean by "different installation." I used the most recent heRO installer, if that's what you mean. Have my own BGM's from forever ago. Never decided they didn't want to play until I came back this time. o.0
maybe it's the setup.exe?
Well, unless your files are not directly in the BGM folder, I can't see where's the problem.

By different installation, I meant if you had used Ragray, for example, as it have a different default path.
Last night, I noticed this "RSU-Ragnarok.exe" and "RSU-Renewal.exe" in my heRO folder.??Not knowing what they were, I clicked on the Renewal extension to find out it's a patcher (which downloaded patches from June of 2010 onward at a rate of, like, 12 patches per week >_>??).??I then went to bed because it took an hour and it was 8:15am. lol

I just now clicked on the RSU-Ragnarok.exe to find it, too, is a patcher which has never been run.??Are these two programs important???Should I have run RSU-Renewal.exe???Should I run RSU-Ragnarok.exe???Are these even heRO files???o.0
New development!

I can hear BGM's at Bras, but no where else.??Tak says he can not hear BGM's in Bras, but I assume he can hear BGM's elsewhere.??We can await his confirmation on that, but since he thought my predicament was odd, I can assume he does not have this problem.??:o

We now return you to your regularly scheduled trolling.

[Image: BoxxyTroll2.gif]
Totally thought you meant you didn't remember bras, as in sizes. Sweat

You gotta be more specific next time! Laugh

Edit: Also, as far as where I've been my BGM is working fine. Just birdy chirpin' in brasillis though. I vaguely remember it working in the past there, but not sure what'd changed since then and now. Thinking
Perhaps I should just try re-installing.

...I'll do that when I care enough. lol
Have you played around with setup.exe's sound settings? I've heard of that causing the BGMs to fail. I really doubt it's the renewal RSU, unless they have released a patch that kills Sak. (not at all impossible I read somewhere on eA that sak exes would stop working at some point due to renewal but I don't know if that's just because some content wont be supported by the client or if it will actually stop working)
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