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Full Version: Loading Screens
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Lately, occasionally when I'm changing maps, or relogging, my loading screens freeze. They'll either be the full picture, load to 100% and never continue, or be a half fade between the picture and the black tint from the transition.

No idea whats causing it. Thinking

Also, it usually freezes my computer up to an extent too, I either have to task manager- close HeRo - or log off my computer account and log back on.
I had this exact same problem yesterday (or the day before... my sleeping schedule is a tad off lol).??I DL'ed patch 155 and started crashing just like you explained here.??I eventually fixed it by switching back to windowed mode... even though full screen mode had not previously given me any problems... o.0
Yeah, I always use full screen. Never use windowed.

If I could remember that program to let me use the mouse outside the window without issue, I'd get it and use windowed. Nice for multitasking.
You mean Mouse Freedom. <---Clicky
Whispers Wrote:You mean Mouse Freedom. <---Clicky

Ooh, gonna try that out.

Just extract into my folder, right? Anything special I gotta do?
just extract to folder
Just letting you know, Mouse Freedom is also included in another RO Plugin, called ROExt.

You can find it on RMS.
I saw this ROExt while searching for Mouse Freedom last night.??Didn't think I'd use any of the features (cept maybe the less-resources thing), so I never read up on it.

Had I read up on it I would have known I can turn everything off.??=p

Just started the DL... 8.64kb could take a while.??I'll let you know how I like it when it finishes DL'ing tomorrow.??D:

btw, I fixed everything by just completely reinstalling.??No more crashes or BGM problems.??I can even run in full screen again.??:D


The CPU-redux actually causes my client to skip.??So, I turned it off.??Only other three features I'm using are Mouse Freedom, moving alt+F4 to Alt+PrtSc, and the max-window-size-without-covering-the-taskbar thing.??Works great (minus the CPU-redux causing the client to skip). :D
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