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Can we have custom headgear quests?

Quests are fun.
Liek dis:
NPC: Flower Girl
Location: Gonryun
Reward: Flower Crown | Iris Headband | Hibiscus | Large Hibiscus | Blablaballa~

And make them EXTRA hard! Muahaha~

Oh, and I found these pretty Sunday Hat recolors...
Can we jheve~?

[Image: 3.gif]

It was made by Elly Clishther from this site.
So many talented spriters... Whistle

Well, Hibiscus is a Hatter hat atm, Flower crown drops from Garden Keepers in Fairyland at a fair rate, No clue about Large Hibiscus, and I've never heard of Iris Headband.

The Recolors on Sunday hat look neat tho.
My oops.
I meant Orchid Hairband...

I don't like the Hatter having so many gears for his quests.
Custom quests are funz.
Your sig makes me extra happy every time I see it.
Thought I'd share that thought...
large hibiscus isn't even in our database, technically. i spawned it on the test server and no matter how much i update ragray or patch or w/e i crash everytime i even glance at it in my inventory.

it does kinda stink that hatter hogs so many hats, but that's heRO's way of getting things :o
Large hibiscus is my favorite RO headgear...

This is my favorite server though.
Everything else on it is made of WIN!
The GMs are doing a good job.
nice hats! i want one for collection Laugh
I know! Aren't they so pretty?
Ooohh..the Chanel is gorgeous....<3
The hatter provides an easy way to get all these special or custom headgears, especially without putting too much stress on the GMs.

There are a lot of headgears in RO, and it would take quite a long time to design and make quests for all the ones that lack that (and you would need to do it for all of them, because just selecting a few headgears for quests would be kind of unfair). Meanwhile, the hatter already exists, and it's easy to add something to him.
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