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Full Version: question about heRO's stat
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i was just wondering. are the data here the overall total or just the current one?
Overall total. There aren't really 902 active guilds.
by current i mean those that exists atm or if that even counts the deleted guilds, i just want to know about the zeny btw xD
I don't think it counts the guilds that have been actually disbanded. Disbanding = Deletion IMO.

While that zenny total is all that's on the characters, I bet there's FAR more inside the banker NPC.
You also have to take into account players who came on, made a guild, and stopped playing, also merchant guilds. Out of that 902 guilds, i bet you 400 only have 1-2 characters in it.

And the Zeny is really money on the character. Note you also need to take into consideration GM characters who maxed out their Zeny amount on their char to 1,000,000,000. So roughly i would say the max zeny is really in the 15-20 Bil. mark. There are members though who carry 100+ mil.
There are also members who have 1,000,000,000 in the bank but don't carry much on their characters.
we need a zeny wipe
that won't really work. we need a general everything wipe. of course, it's never gonna happen, lol.

also... no, it doesn't count disbanded/deleted/whatever. i'm very very very sure there'd be more parties made :o
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