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When you go to My Account and you can see all your characters, the amount of zeny they have, their guild, etc, it would be cool if that page showed the following:

- Amount of zeny in the BANK for that account.
- Map and coordinates where the character last logged out, such as [prontera (144,191)]

It would help quite a bit, and wouldn't be too hard to code either, me thinks. :D

Bank ok

But why location of last log out?
Inventory stock lol
I use location of last logout a lot Icon_smile Wouldn't hurt to have it.

And yes, inventory would also help a lot. I like to manage my overall account stock properly, and it's difficult when you have 9 chars, to be logging in to each of them and checking what they've got in their inventories... Especially considering the 10-second delay to log back out.
With what I know of flux the inventory stock is actually somewhat doable, it might take a bit of php edits, but I know that GMs, or who ever has a high enough GM level can see your Kafra and inventory from the CP.
Not from CP imo. They can see the equips on your char, what are in your items window, stuff in your storage, how you obtained them when you are online or offline. Pretty much no privacy there, lol. Mad
But hey, same things happen in real life too.

P/S. I think Magellan shares his acc, so he wants to know what others have done with his acc. That's why he asked for that function, lol. Icon_wink

@Cassie: would be super nice if we can manage our storage in CP, wouldn't it? No1
No I don't share my account and never would.

But if you really wanna know.

1. I have a specific tile (yes very specific) that I like to log out ALL my characters at. Call it OCD or whatever you like, but there you go.

2. Also, they ALL have some basic items on them, all in the same quantities (e.g. all have 3 ygg leafs on them at all times, plus other basics).

3. And the same amount of zeny, too (a small basic amount to move around - all surpluses are always in the bank).

Right now all I can see in the CP is the zeny on characters (my 3rd point above), and the total that all chars are holding, but NOT the amount on the bank and the grand total... It would be nice to see the bank amount, but this isn't hard to check because only one login can do it.(*)

The problem is with points 1 and 2. To check those things I gotta login on EACH character and use /where and open their inventories. Very annoying. It's now 10 characters that I have... Quite a lot to be checking one by one. Especially with that 10-second delay (which I don't expect or want to be changed and am not complaining about).

(*) Still, I guess it wouldn't be hard to do and it'd be nice to have, especially if a user is on a computer that doesn't have RO installed but wants check the CP.
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