heRO-Server Forum

Full Version: It's easter again, good bye
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Well, after joining the server for a whole year, i think it's time to let go and focus on getting rid of my fat and get fit again, i want to look like a meat candy, which means looking tasty. I want to take over my parent's coffee shop someday(hopefully converting it into something else). I want to change my home into something more eco friendly, create a rooftop garden full of edibles, improve my cooking skills(or at least baking), and hopefully more animals in my family(bunnies, puppies, and kittens).

I know i'll be back someday just not sure when that'll be. I'm sure that i won't be sticking around in the forums after this week though.

I wish to thank the GM team for the wonderful time i'd had here. I'll refresh my review on RMS once i had the time. The only complain i have is probably the recent lag fest, i hope that'll be fixed soon.

Despite the time i spent here, i don't really know many players here, other than raichu, kittie and alex, not forgetting the forum welcoming commeetee and posting freaks mahawira, whisper, and splitends. You guys are fun, hope you'll have more fun here and irl.

Last but not least, i thank the players here for being so funny and friendly all the time, well almost all the time anyway. I remember the first question i asked on main with 'helpful' answers,"are those bunnies dangerous to a novice?", "not really". Yeah right, it almost killed me, D:< but it's still funny. :3

So, i guess that's it from me. Hope the next time when i get back, we'd have most of what officials have now with nothing broken or glitchy. Good bye! o/

PS: i hate to admit it but i have a little hard time spelling words correctly, and i know i definately made some mistakes up there. :S
well good luck with everything and hopefully we see you back one day. cheers!
Take care, and I hope everything in the first paragraph comes true ^_^
I'll miss you Njo D: Me and Alex wish you all the luck and happiness irl <3
I hope to see you around some day again and otherwise i hope you have msn or something and that you would like to share it with me :o

*huggles* Good luck Njo <3
*hugs kittie back*
you can always add my facebook, put @hotmail.com behind this user name and you'll find me. ^_^
sadly i don't usually msn, my phone chokes if i msn too long with it. :s
awww ngjoko... sad to see you go, bro... have we befriended each other in facebook? perhaps that would be a good idea, no? well you know my real name, i reckon it's quite easy to find if ever you feel the need to add me... plus we still have talks with some of the other indo players as well as basic HeRO information on facebook if you want to keep in touch Ok

GL and HF irl!

sure, sounds good. I'll try to add you up then. :D
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