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Uhhmm Hai, My name is Jay, I haven't played Ro for about three years and I figured that I would try a new server when I come back, Soooooooo Im here anyone wanna give me a hint about where the servers economy is currently at? I have about 30 min till I start playing and I wanna figure out what Im going to make for my first character, I've played everything on high and low rates.... eww high rates suck :/.... annyyyywayyyy Uhhmmm I'm 21 and I'm in the army national guard I've been in for a little over 3 years currently making bank from it so I look forward to donating at least 200 a month hope I don't piss anyone off ingame Icon_razz my first characters name will prolly be Touch Meh Cauak lemme know if I can get banned for that name x:?
server's economy fine, a bit of inflation but deals seem to be fair

lol at first i though the name u stated was some foreign language Laugh then i read it again lol. since it's not that direct, think that's ok xD

donation, nomnomnom. nothing wrong with that, you earned it, you enjoy it Laugh

anyway, welcome to the greatest low rate server(don't believe RMS' ratings. seriously xD ) hope you'll have fun on your stay here, follow the rules for best experience Icon_smile
Welcome to heRO, best server around (unless you're into highrate crack). The one server that everyone who quits keeps their account on and will randomly start playing again XD
As to your first char name..... maybe they might make you change it, but iirc our name policy is something like "slap on the wrist and a ban till you give us a new one" for first offences. So 'sall good, just don't get overly attatched to that name.
My rule with that kind of stff is, if I have to ask if I can use this name, I probably shouldn't...

Gooooood luck and hope you can hit 70 before my Werewolf game.... assuming you'd wanna join it =3
Cool cool :D, ehh I havent heard much about my name yet people actually seem to get a kick out of it, but I dunno~
Welcome to the server Jay, i really hope you will enjoy the server and the guild :3 if you got any questions or what so ever, you know where to find me in game Icon_biggrin
Thankies :D BTW anyone else that reads this uhhm My character name is Dont look at my Cauak i am a baby swordie/soon to be Crusader... uhhhm I'm leveling with a 50% tax and its fun <.< yepp...
^ the lucky guy who entered the refinery yesterday xD
hai thar!
+1 what they said!

+ customs info etc are in the forums and wiki. GL and HF!


PS: srsly, check out the wiki, esp about the hatter -> the economic function for aspiring newbies Ok
RE: Ban list
Who: Dont look at my Cauak
How long: Until Support ticket is received with apology and new name(s).
What he/she did: Inappropriate name(s)

someone finally got noticed xD
Lol, I didnt apologize and i have no reason to Icon_smile
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