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Full Version: Newbie looking for guild
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I'm new on this server, and although my sister played here sometime ago, it's my first contact with Hero.

I've played ro only a few times so i don't have that much experience... That was the main reason that made me post this thread, hoping to find a guild that accepts me although beeing a noob on ro, one having a good group of people.

If anyone happens to feel like giving me a try, you can also pm me in-game (my nick is the same i have here on the forum) besides leaving a reply.

My char is a actually a swordsman that is still at a low level since i started to play yesterday. Still don't know what i will choose for 2?profission.

My best cumps for everyone!
PM kalain if you can, we'd love to have you on Fires of Heaven!
PM Arcona, ABlueJelly, Kalain, Aedra, or Matrim Cauthon Jr. to join Fires of Heaven. we're quite newb-friendly and helpful and awesome beyond all thought or reason. :>
=D ah, some fresh bloo-ER UM HI! Sweat Yeah, FoH's a good choice for a start, just catch one of the people Aedra- er, Incarn said to find on, and we'll throw an invite your way.

Oh, and don't call yourself a n00b, you're a newb. There's a big difference.
Glad to have you aboard and welcome to FoH
Thanks tim!

Since i have joined FoH, there's is no reason to reply this Thread.
For those who did show some interest, you have my gratitude.

See you in-game!

Best Cumps, Enzou.
may we hear your sister's ign?Icon_biggrin
I think her nick was Asmodeos or Asmodai... Something like that, if i'm not mistaken.
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