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Full Version: Neo is banned.
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According to the IP, neo created a new character on a different account named Omega and went to see the BR telling GM-Ben is racist.

Neo's account is suspended until we get more informations.

If OcA want to disband, Well they can just ask the GMs and we will decide what to do. We may change the leadership of the guild if they want.
I'd like to request a change of guild leadership to my sniper, Marivel, regardless of what happens with Neo's account.
*Glances at 1 billion donated exp*
Can she do that? O.o;
poor OoC
Poor of br's..everybody making a conspiratioin /hmm

But they cant defeat us, Icon_biggrin
like i told before: Dont try tricks like that with us! never ...
I glad for see that, been Neo or dont..
GM-Ben is a great man, and help us a lot, i aways can bother him, asking for help and stuff on MSN =P.
well, all gms help us, but I aways bother Ben XD
so, see someone calling Ben of RACIST, and saying anothers bullshits pissed us off !
Shame for that guy ... shame u.u
[Image: screenheroserver193oh3.th.jpg]
[Image: screenheroserver192hx8.th.jpg]
[Image: screenheroserver190lb4.th.jpg]
[Image: screenheroserver189pg8.th.jpg]
evil omega ! /ho
See kids? is not funny say bad things about others persons =P

the guy can hear =P

*that was one more lession of Uncle Spiga Corp.*
I can at least argue for two of the screenshot saying that Neo is not that guilty of what he said. (the ones not calling Ben a racist)

1.Other GMs can't unjail someone who was jailed by one of the GMs in order NOT to create any conflict of interest.

2. It is true that Ben can do 'whatever' he wants in some way since he's the host. It's up to him to use his power or be fair. I saw people (GMs) abuse power on previous servers, so I have a right to be vigilant on it...

Pass OoC's power to Marivel right now. Heh.. as if I haven't read any 'discriminatory' comments on heRO from what I read/ heard... I've seen worse...
First - We dont know if was -Neo- or not, Im not GM, and Im not a judge =P
Second - That were some of all screenies, and caio have good reasons for dont show all of em ..
Third - In my opnion, Ben cant do everything, check the Pandora's thread about "Whos is the GMs" and you will agree with me, heRO staff sounds like a family, or a Good Team, w/e =P
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