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well +1 on Rylais, but imho without some resists and regens early on, you're just too squishy... pretty good commentary on the rest, but srsly going full AP with morde is just too silly for my taste, especially if there are no other tanks to initiate/counter when defeding...


PS: @vahn damn i didn't realize what you meant with sn isn't Super Novice... /spin; now i guess you probably meant Summoner's Name huh...
Minus the Rabadons, none of the items I listed are pure AP.
They all give health or resists.

Anddd Morde doesn't have anything to initiate or counter with, anyway. =D
And defending generally means you're not the ones intiating. =P

SN also means screen name.

well thing with defending in LOL is, if you let them besiege you forevermore, i somehow find that the defending party will lose out on time, exp, and gold, so you need to break the siege by initiating a counter at the right moment. Because when it's a stalemate, the pushing party can and probably will just besiege you forevermore waiting for an opportune opening - which will come if you let them just besiege you...

The Blue Jelly is my summoner name, and I like Blue Buffs, getting caught in an ult with my stun up, and long walks on the twisted treeline.
Turn-ons include "dat ass" on Le Blanc, people unphased by CC, and when they scream.
Turn-offs include feeders, people who don't listen to me, and people who KS me when I'm snowballing and/or underfed.


Haha, I remember having this discussion about Morde being a tank with some friends of mine...
He's an offtank imo, but against an inexperienced team, he can actually play tank because he just *doesn't die*. So your initiate against a jumpy team: You walk in, and their team goes OH HEY COOLDOWNS.
DPS Syndrome on anyone is pretty stupid... Ya gotta have survivability, otherwise they just burst you and you die.

The reason everyone always complains about Jax is because he's amazing 1v1 when he's built. That, and you can solo baron with like, no effort once you get your Hextech, Guisoon, and Deathcap.

Lately I've been playing Irelia (on whom I can go toe to toe with lv30's as a lv19 (sounds lame, but lacking teir3 runes and 2 quints and a *ton* of masteries makes for crap early stats and more item-reliance) as long as I'm playing with a good team; one of which we won a match with janna sona zil kennen and me on Eve (playing hybrid, usually play AP), giving up first blood, and feeding for the first 5 mins or so, with our zil being AFK for 95% of the game), but I can play Eve and Morde as well. As long as my team is good, my Eve is actually really good, and my Morde will have his moments (Back in the day, on my old account, when they first released Miss Fortune, I actually got a quadrakill thanks to Morde's ult XD only kill I didn't get in the ace was Miss herself).

Recently restarted so I could have more fun (you know, completely ignore the IP sink of Tier 2 runes, unlock a bunch of champs, actually learn to play Evelyn, etc). Started off with AP Yi (which at any level before 10 will win at everything because nobody knows what's going on unless they're a smurf and then you're screwed XD), and then grew from there.

those r my mains so far=p
So I've actually added Renekton into my fold of plays, and just....wow. triple doran's blade starting, then cooldown boots, then double bloodthirster, youmuu's, and black cleaver for the lulz...
Started playing warwick, ahri as a secondary main, fiddle again, alistair a bit.

Vahn, add my summoner tag- Akharamizu
Added all of you, my name is PCM Drentii. xP I play very frequently. I also play every champion.
Was wonderin' who that was. Lets find a good game tomorrow yea?
I play LoL everyday xDD
my IGN: Nether Assasin

Main heroes
Ninja FTW

also if you need help in LoL i can help Icon_smile
i have 400+ wins, and 2 brothers with 1k+ wins so just ask =D
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