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Full Version: Juperos Warp
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It doesn't take you to Juperos, just outside the dungeon. Then you gotta go through the portal and through the walkway that forces your camera angle to change, then you go through that other portal at the end of the walkway with the camera still zoomed in all the way up close so that you'll have to adjust it back to your regular settings every time you go there. On my geezer machine it takes an extra minute or two just to go through the portals and load up the maps.

Why not just have it send the player to the tinyrobot map? It skips past an additional 2 loading screen transitions and unnecessary screen/angle re-calibrations.
its too much of a hassle just for a problem involving patience
lol. i don't get it either, is the Nameless Island classified as a dungeon? i think it's just a field or something, Cursed Abbey Monastery is the dungeon. im still wondering why can't we just tele inside it or nearer at least to it
The angle recalibration was always my biggest concern. Its irritating since I use /q2 habitually.

But eh, nothing too bad I guess. I do know how it is on a screaming metal tank computer though- and its slow as sin getting in there.

Luckily I'm a sin. Just use fly wings when you get into the long hallway. What I always did :D

...Then there is loading screens. f*** those >_>;
Not exactly the same for Nameless I guess--the outside island isn't reachable through any other means aside the boat and the inner abbey is more dangerous. There's a higher survivability-once-the-map-fully-loads rate.

Juperos' problem is in that there's a few screens to load (y'know, the ones with repressed pedophilia) and required camera adjustments just to get into the dungeon. Plus having an outside warp's unhelpful in general since Magma Dungeon's just to the north.
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