heRO-Server Forum

Full Version: Greetings!
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Hello, my name is Will and I have recently taken an extended break from RO and I was hoping to come back to it. Looking around all the servers I see have third jobs and that scares me...

Since I don't wish to learn anything new and stick to the old. I came over to heRO to check things out. I hope to spend many fun times here with everyone (:

I hope to see you guys in game.

PS. I am looking for a guild that accepts newbies regardless of level :D
Hello there!

Welcome to heRO!??Here's our wiki and this is RMS.??Both are indispensable; you're bound to be directed to them eventually.??Ok

There are a lot of guilds willing to accept you.??It all just depends on your intentions.??Are you looking for a Social, WoE, Party or service (if those exist anymore) guild???Perhaps a buffet guild?

I know Elixir is a pretty epic buffet guild.??:D

If you plan to WoE, KoJ and Behemoth will war over your soul.

Tons of social and party guilds (which I'm pretty sure are synonymous) abound.??No1

...where's Maha?
inb4 -w-

Welcome to the server~

Good luck, have fun, and cu-

Oh god he's taking over my soul.

/trance -stoms are in the wiki.
Pfft, get it right; it's:

hi, welcome to the server!

customs info etc are in the forums and wiki.

GL and HF!


...you know 916 of Maha's posts are all in the Intro/Depart thread?
That's a guy that likes welcoming people.
...or maybe he's intimidating them with kindness...


Makes me wonder if Maha is psychic, or what.

Either way- he's losing his edge. Evil
nuuuu.... it's just that my internet situation has deteriorated again...

i hardly think i'm that "good" that anyone should feel intimidated...
personally i believe that the world is over-packed as it is, so less population would be a good thing. BUT HeRO does seem to benefit from more people, so welcoming them is the least i could do (not gonna make an alt or spend time just to level them or give them gears/money/etc Laugh )

Paying it forward one person at a time, eh? =)
Intimidation joke was just a joke. =p

Don't cut yourself short, Maha; you're a good guy. Don't start goin' around bein' bad and killing all that good karma you've accumulated (have you guys seen this guy's irl wife?! *jealous*). Mad
I think all 3 of you scared him off.
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