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I seriously went all the way to page 20 on here looking (Found some amusing boards here too of stuff people say) to see if someone had mentioned this but didn't see it. Anyways a GM wedding is the same as any other kind of wedding only it could be at any place in RO and you are married by a GM who says the vows and whatnot. You would still have to pay all the money for everything and whatnot but even more so for it being a GM (zeny sink here).

Another thing that could happen is pay a little bit more for changing how you look. For example on an old server I was a GM on we had the entire wedding party look like pokemon (charmander, pikachu, mudkip, ect.) and another the bride and groom were a bon gun and munak. With this is would become possible for the bride and groom to get a warp from the GM straight to Jawaii with the @addwarp (or whatever it is I can't remember) command or just use the warp command if they are priest built.

These were always fun because back when I had to do vows it led to the groom being declared the slave to the wife or else the wife had to completely submit to the groom, wash his clothes, let him control the remote, and not complain when he farted in the car. Yes I had strange vows for the weddings but that's what made mine special.

So what do you guys think?

TL;DR: GM marries you for a more expensive price and you can have special things like turning into monsters there.
We actually used to auction off GM Weddings at the Fairy Auction.

I believe to date, they're the only item to have been sold for the starting price (1 mil.).

There was never really any demand for them, and they never sold well. Icon_sad
Man, I would have liked so much a GM Wedding, it looks much more lively.
Circe, even the GM wedding that took atop of Thana tower? I doubt that would've gone for 1m... =\

Or do you mean, just plain GM weddings?
loveapples Wrote:Circe, even the GM wedding that took atop of Thana tower? I doubt that would've gone for 1m... =\

Or do you mean, just plain GM weddings?

From memory, it was auctioned 3 or 4 times?
Remember that all the prices for the packages below contain everything needed for a wedding. Players don't pay the registration fee or provide the rings, etc. It can be hosted at a custom location, even aggro and exp loss ones, at the attendees own risk.

There was one held at the top of Thana by Mystra, for a pair of Revenga people, if I recall correctly. Wiki says it was sold for 2mil, which is barely above started bid, and less than normal church registration.

There was the time it went for 1mil (starting bid), and never ended up being claimed. I believe this is the wedding that the price records was lost for (May 2009). A 1mil one most definitely happened, and isn't listed in any of the price provided ones.

There was a time where I believe it was bought by a player, after being auctioned after demand, for another small amount. It was intended to be used for joke purposes, but I can't recall if it was actually claimed. Wiki says this one went for 4 mil, actually slightly above normal Pront registration fees. :X

And, according to records, there was a 4th auctioned, at last years server birthday, also reaching 4mil.

So, in the history, there's been 4, which certainly doesn't make it cheap due to oversupply or anything. Out of those, only 2 have reached above Pront Church registration fee, and once you factor in the price of the rings ad the tux/dress, which are supplied in a GM one...

I can only find information on one that was claimed, and one that was postponed by the player indefinitely (and expired), though it is possible that the buyers dealt directly with the corresponding GMs for the other two.

In recap, they just never sold well. People were always interested (hence the one auctioned the month after the Thana one), and asked for them to be auctioned, but no one ever followed through in bidding on them.

I'm not saying we won't ever auction them again or anything, it's entirely possible we may again, but they just never seem to auction well. Icon_sad
The first GM Wedding occurred in the early days of heRO because the wedding system was very glitchy. It was quite memorable...

Looking back, I wish there were strange vows at that wedding to make everything more hilarious.Evil
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