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Full Version: Is there anyway to make /showname actually work?
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I'm just wondering why the /showname command doesn't seem to work. I vastly prefer the bold
EMB Title
LEM Name

style, and it seems like there's no way to get it. :( Is it just not an option or something? And, if not, could there be some way for the admins or whatever to allow it? D:
Wow, that's crazy. I could have sworn it worked like a year ago when I last tried it here. Just tested it, though, and it doesn't work at all! I wouldn't be surprised if it's one of the issues with the no-death client. (Like default /ns - wtf?).

I also noticed that the format you prefer is the default. I hope that - if it ever gets fixed - we can use the GM-Assistant NPC to set defaults, as I personally abhor type 1.
This is a bit off topic, but I wish /shopping could be made as part of the GM- Assistant.
I turned my /shopping on years ago and it remains on to this day. I thought it stays to your personal setting regardless?
So, is there anyway to do this?
/showname doesn't seem to work, in either of the clients (No-death, different colored Main chats)

However, the options Whisper mentions seems to be only turned on by default in the Purple Main client. (Defaulted /ns and /sh)

If you change clients, these options are turned off, so maybe it would be nice if the GM-Assistant also proposed these options.
Fyrus Carmin Wrote:maybe it would be nice if the GM-Assistant also proposed these options [/ns and /sh].

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