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Full Version: Suggestion for the Warp NPC's
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Some reason, even by mistake, it seems sorta redundant to have the warp NPC's have an option to warp you to prontera from prontera. Even though it's only a few steps away, you still get charged full price.

So my suggestion is this... How about we change the Warpers so that they don't list the town you are currently in, unless you're checking your saved locations.
make the last warp option first before this
If I remember coding correctly, npc's are duplicated to use in various locations. Making each one different will require each warper to be coded separately, which is a lot more work considering the amount of warpers there are.
SkyStormKuja Wrote:Npc's are duplicated to use in various locations. Making each one different will require each warper to be coded separately, which is a lot more work considering the amount of warpers there are.

Spot on.
Was worth suggesting. oh well, thanks anyway.
Why not add a "Cancel" option at the top then ?
Fyrus Carmin Wrote:Why not add a "Cancel" option at the top then ?

Enterspamming to Pront: 150z

Not accidentally spending 150z warping to the wrong place: Priceless


all you damn lighters
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