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Pages: 1 2
So, I'm quitting for good (95% chance of this being true).

I've lost most of my love for RO recently due to so many factors that I prolly won't be coming back to actually play ever again, except maybe a WoE every once in a blue moon.

Special thanks to:

Specific people:
-Albus (or aldrif..so lets say both)

The gm team when i joined:

The people from me and Kira the Infinite's guild over 9000 years ago <3

As a final side note: I'm considering lending out my acc to a friend, so if you see me on, that prolly not me.

Laters Icon_smile
I've briefly met you, so I dont have much to say.
But you are a nice person. So long D=
Bye Diego =O
Bye Shikari Icon_sad
Take it easy bro~ You got my msn if ya wanna chat sometime. No1
good, my plan has succeeded

now is the time to convince you to create more lava temples in kal's minecraft server

they shall be everywhere

and i will rule the world

...but seriously, bye :>
Shikari Wrote:The gm team when i joined:

And Nara. and Vanadis.
What do they teach you in server school these days? Icon_razz

Always need more lava everywhere.

Later, Shikari. Icon_sad
You're leaving too huh Shikari? See ya dood. Good luck with life and stuff.
bye shik >:
See ya Diego. Best of luck with your future ambitions.
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