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Full Version: Newbie over here! (French one >_<)
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Hi everyone! / Salut! ^o^

As I'm a newbie, let me introduce myself. At first, I need to say that I'm French (which will explain all the upcoming mistakes). :s
I played RO for 3 years and stopped when the server downed ='(
I would like to find a French- speaking guild. As you can see, I'm unfortunately not a fluent English speaker :x
I'm not sure that a English speaking server is a great idea for me, but I want to try it out! I saw that many of you only use abbreviations in game hence it might seem harder to spot French people(I already doubt it >_<?).
I'm also here to improve myself, I hope I will make less mistakes in English.
As you can see, I often finish my sentences with a smiley and for that I am sorry.
My character is Mahiro, she's a future ninja (inspired by the manga Samurai Deeper Kyo).
I don't know what to say in my presentation anymore, so feel free to ask me some questions if you want to.
I sincerely apologize for all the mistakes I may have done in this post (because your eyes might bleed and melt in front of this text). I personally hate spelling mistakes.

See you in game! Icon_wink

PS: Qui parle fran?ais par ici? :o
Your English is already beautiful! Icon_biggrin I only understand a little bit of French, so it'll be a little hard for me if you start typing out in French. BASIC French, sooo... Sweat

Bonjour! Je ne parle pas en fran?ais.
O_o your spellin's find, luv, so relax. Anywho, welcome to heRO and hope to see you in game! I'm Vahn, and if you have any questions, just lemme know
I just saw you edited your French sentence but thanks for the effort Icon_biggrin I'm not going to type in French on the forum, don't worry.

@Vahn_ashwood: Thanks for the welcome. Spelling is rather ok but conjugating and vocabulary are more difficult for me x)
lol, well, I'd suggest making a thread over in the guilds section, though I'm sure you'll find a thread or two already made there for french speakin folks like yourself. So, what's your preference for jobs? ('sides ninja, that is!)
Well I've never played with characters who use close combat. It's not really my thing. I've never created a character with the following jobs: rogue, gunslinger, soul linker, star gladiator, super novice, crusader, knight, blacksmith or alchemist. I used to play on a 3/3/3 server, it's hard to try all jobs. I did once a monk, assassin, sage or wizard character but their average level was 70 x__X?

My favorite job is archer, I love playing with a hunter or dancer. I will be happy to make a new one if a guild is interested in getting one more. I also like priest.
I started on this server with a ninja because I played with a ninja character just before my previous server downed, he was young, poor thing, RIP. I don't know if ninjas are very useful in guilds compare to dancers, hunters, priests, monks...
Hello there.

I can make you meet some Frenchies that have established there for over 3 years now. If you want, try to meet one of us, click the banner below and you'll see if one is online.

On ne mord personne, donc n'h?site pas.
Welcome to the server!!!
Let me tell you that there are plenty of French speaking players in the player base.
Admin speaks french here Icon_razz. Inqui?te toi pas! Tu vas voir, tu vas aimer ?a! Ya pas un bassin m?diatique comme le Canadiens de Montr?al, mais oui, ya pas mal de Qu?b?cois qui jouent icite! (Translation: Don't worry, you'll see, you'll like it, unlike the habs, there isn't a jungle of medias, but there are lots of QC players in the playerbase)
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