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Full Version: Who likes owning new books written by fellow players?
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So who likes buying a new book from a brand new author based on a fantasy? Well I know I like giving new authors a chance and buying their books. So how about it heroes, want to try out my book I just got finished publishing today? Here is what the summary is:

Dragons, elves, and magic were all just fairy tails that used to only exist in Emily's dreams. Now she has been magically transported to a world only known as Narishma that seems to have come out of a medieval fantasy. What makes things worse is Emily resembles a long dead dictator and has been deemed the next Dragon Guardian, people who can ride and control a dragon as a partner. Can those of that world even trust someone to protect them when she barely even knows where she is?

The book is called Dragon Guardian. You can go here to buy the book (PS they are a branch of amazon so they are trustworthy) https://www.createspace.com/3610458
I would like to buy yr book but I'm broke D:
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