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Full Version: Fear The Fallen
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sorry chaos, i was too busy with school T.T
We got a castle!! Yet, not considered an "active guild" WoE was just too easy! Props to CAT, MVP, Leon and Yang
LOL hi from Quebec city!!! I cannot play, but I heard Yang, Cat and MVP beat 7 Abodo LOLLL... how low can you go? XD
Good job boys!
Can i join ftf?
Hi, it's good to know you have interest for my guild.
However, I haven't logged in for almost a month and won't log in before several months!

I hope you find a good guild in the meanwhile
Is anyone still around from my guild? I miss FtF. Icon_sad
The guild FtF is inactive, but the spirit never dies.
The main particles are in Orion, Zana, Amaziah, Home-Slice, BelieverBoy, Jezzy, Leon, etc. Orion guild is the powerbar for nearly a year now. Join us.

Do not associate with All-stars or have anything to do with them, if you do, you're going down a path where there is no return (aka no place for you in Orion)
Ha good to know.

And okay I will have to wait for the installer. I had it downloaded but must have used the wrong link cause it was all in Korean and well didn't actually open. XD Should hopefully be on soon. Sad part is I lost my account with my dancer. Hoping it had none of my good equipment on it. Lol.

So glad to know that you and some others are still around whether playing or not. FtF was my first guild. Icon_smile Miss you guys.
-_- Well might take me longer then I thought. I have downloaded. redownloaded. Made a ticket.

It install. Use installer. and when I open for it to patch and click start it's a tiny window. no images or anything. Hmmmm. Been way to long since I have had to download heRO.
XDDD there are ways to do it.. i forgot where it is in the forum about how to fix that tiny window
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