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Full Version: MOAR BG KEYS
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Please? ):

We need additional methods for obtaining bg keys. Even if you were to spend every possible minute in a castle for WoE you'd only earn enough points for 4 keys a week. Also, with fewer people participating in WoE, and many saving their points for the headgears, it's much harder to buy them. Maybe....

1-2 bg keys can be given out with event bags to nobles.

You can purchase them from the BG NPC like you can DBs from the DB room NPC.

We can have a headgear that drops them.

Make them cheaper from the WoE NPC.

I dunno... but please, please, please?!!!
Watch the BG Key hat be one of the expensive BG Point items XD

Way to flat out buy them....they'd prolly be something expensive to keep from abused purchase to get the gears faster.
its for woe not for pvm so no
You don't want more BG keys cause they aren't for PvM?

So confused....

Oh Make an MVP that drops the BG keys~ PvM players and PvP Players can both become happy~
BG Keys should be 10-20 points each :D
there is plenty of BG keys atm, but i think they made some BG pt items desirable, this could mean trouble
Nevera Wrote:its for woe not for pvm so no

ChaosPrince Wrote:
Nevera Wrote:its for woe not for pvm so no


Typical line of thought that nobody caters to you enough. Icon_biggrin
I have an idea. Let's stop requiring BG keys and let people start BG whenever the hell they want (even constantly). Our BG is LESS farmable than most (on some servers you can use BG to basically supply yourself for WoE - which I actually support, but that's not the discussion here). On heRO the best you can hope for from BG is that you win because you just used either a key or zeny to enter and will most likely consume materials during the match. If you win this might justify some of the materials spent, except that to get things you need hundreds of points.

For the life of me I cannot remember the BG entrance cost because it's been a while since I've had time to play. But I think it was like 50k, right? Then let's assume (minimalist-style) that you use like 25 white potions from an NPC per match and maybe like 10 blues - nothing else! Valuing blues at like 3k, npc whites at 1000 (too lazy to look it up, but with DC I think they're a little less than this), and then considering the BG entrance fee... you're looking at a cost of over 2.5m zeny for a glorious ring - and that's if you win every match and use only those materials.

"But Albus," you'll decry, "glorious rings are amazing - so it's okay that they will demand a cost - and 2.5m is not hard to make!"

I agree. That statement is technically true. Except that BG shouldn't be serving to drain you of zeny. In my opinion, "regular" BG implementations serve as a great alternative to people who just don't care about PvM. As we all know, heRO is very PvM-centric. But this would provide an excellent way for people who just want to PvP to be able to do so without being required to go farm either zeny or whatever to maintain their ability to PvP for fun/pvp items.

"But Albus," you'll continue, "it's not restrained to PvP - these items can be used in PvM as well."

Again, technically true. But who cares? The bonuses apply to a subset of monsters (demi-humans). I'd love to see an implementation which rewards BG participation with materials (even more than are consumed during a typical match - but are locked to BG/WoE/maybe PvP use only), BG items, or maybe even experience itself without requiring timed matches or an entry fee.

"But Albus," you will repeat, "that would be abusable, people would be able to level and get materials for WoE without ever having to 'grind' or 'farm' for them!"

Yep! That's the beauty. People who love PvM will still be able to do it. These items are account-locked, and the consumables would only be usable in BG/WoE/maybe PvP. People who would rather farm items in PvM can still do that and be competitive. People who don't really enjoy PvM (I mean, most RO players at this point have done the PvM thing so many times there's not much novelty) but really like BG/WoE/PvP will also be able to be competitive - only we aren't forcing them to endure something unpleasant so that they can have fun.

This is a game - and it's sad that we still think that progress, the ability to compete (or even just use skills) in PvP should require doing things that are inherently unfun to get there. Why? I maintain that it would not destroy the economy to implement such a BG structure and that it would, in fact, bring more interest to our BG/WoE scene. It also wouldn't necessarily have to affect PvMers. And it would allow heRO to maintain development of PvM aspects which many players enjoy while providing a valuable way for PvPers to get their fun out of the game without requiring them to be bored for 75% of their time spent online.

This turned into a much longer post than intended.

TL;DR There's a ton of reasons why BG should not be limited as to when it should start and there are also a ton of reasons why BG should be free and there are also a few reasons why BG rewards should include materials.

POW! Albus-opinioned.
So I guess no one opposes my suggestions? Cool, let's implement them!
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