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Full Version: More Character Slots Please!
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I don't know about other people but I like playing in parties and having many characters for different roles. As such, I am down to one empty character slot that i keep open for Novice events on my main account (I have a seperate account for Auto-trading). Yeah yeah I know "just make another account" but the problem with having seperate accounts is that it's an annoying transferring items between accounts especially when you have to gear for a party. You also can't share account bound items like ToH wings or Zodiacs. I'm not sure how hard it would be for the GM's to add more slots but I know it's possible because I've messed around with test servers that can have an infinite amount of slots.
I think we already have more character slots then officials (not sure though, correct me if i'm wrong). I think they also limit the amount of characters slots to 12 because it could take to much of the server (lagwhise and such?) to add more. I'm not 100% sure about this though, but i think i remember people requesting/suggesting the same thing in the past.
Sorry, we wont be adding more char slot due to a crash bug that is related with them, we already have 3 more than the official however (official is 9).
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