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Full Version: Share Your Creation Websites!
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Hi there.

I recently started posting art again on Deviant Art.??I am trying to do better about promoting myself since I'm preparing to start signing up for conventions to be in the artist alley for next year.

Anyway, I almost wanted to post my DA in my old old old art thread but figured it would be more fun to share where we post our artistic creations outside of heRO instead. So whether you draw, paint, make crafts, write, or something else but still is creative, share your website(s) you use to promote yourself!

I'll try to keep a good master list for the meantime. :]


Aaronock : http://master-penguin.deviantart.com/
Draco : http://kalio-chan.deviantart.com/
kunkun14 : http://kyouchi-kun.deviantart.com
VoodooMambo : http://jr-boss.deviantart.com/

you seem to have a penchant for elves. Keep up the good work Ok

sadly i'm too noob to create anything, but hopefully others would also grace us with their art No1

My DA is basically unupdated as of late...I draw something and give up or my pen becomes lost and I have no way to get a new one for a while. Not to mention my writings can't be posted either since they are going to be actual publicated works.
My DA is kyouchi-kun.deviantart.com

While uhhh my pixiv is kinda dirty X3
Added, come on artists of heRO, I know you're out there! Don't be shy now. :D
My deviantART account is http://jr-boss.deviantart.com/ =)

Most of my art on there is older but I've been trying to finish my latest drawings. Gonna try to upload new stuff soon. No1
Cool, I added you to the list then sir. :]

Still looking for the rest of you artists out there.

I'll try to update this whole topic to better incorporate other types of art such as writers later. :O
Meh might as well just add mine to it in case I do update it down to road. http://kalio-chan.deviantart.com/
Great, I added you also to the list Draco! Hope we see more art from you soon. :]

And updated the topic a bit to better incorporate all creative endeavors, please feel free to share people of heRO. I'm greatly enjoying looking at all of your things.
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