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Full Version: Cheapest thing i ever saw in halo 2
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ok you guys gotta check this out, its the cheapest spawn killers ever http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAezXP1-S...ed&search=
lol that is just whack..obviously they mustve bene playing against noobsIcon_razz
Thats like, A berserk Alexander with BC buffs....

Just plain Wrong. Icon_sad
I'm gonna say that he was playing SWAT mode.

SWAT mode is all about the head shots. Icon_twisted
Let me explain how it happened - The game was 1 flag meaning 1 team attacks other team defends...
Now what happened is the defending team(the spawn killers) screwed up all the possible respawn points for the attacking team making them forced to be respawn in that 1 room... wich gave them those cheap but easy kills(like you saw in video)

and also as much as it was cheap, the guy that got the killimanjaro is actually a pro... i saw another of his video and he's pretty crazy

Oh and BTW the people he played against were probably not noobs... because?the situation they were in...??they didnt have a chance... poor poor them
lol thats really cheap. btw static add Dude Vince to your xbox live!!! Icon_cool
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