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Full Version: New HeRo from Quebec :D
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Yosh Icon_smile

As written in the topic title, I'm from Quebec (so I'm a native french speaker) :D! But I speak english just fine. I love manga, animes, JRPG and lot of stuff.

I played RO for a long time, stopped many times and came back because of my nostalgia.

As for Hero itself, I have a question;
First, is it more of a dying server or is it constantly renewned? (I mean, new player, new content (episode update), etc.).

Anyway, don't hesitate to message me inGame, I need friends Icon_twisted.

Edit: Ahh, my ingame name is Shinji Gerudo Icon_biggrin (Awesome poring emotes, I love them XD)

Il y a beaucoup d'update, mais plus au niveau custom que officiel. Exemple une nouvelle qu?te du nouvel an chinois et une pour la st-valentin cette semaine.
Beaucoup de qu?b?cois icite! Icon_razz
Oui, beaucoup de custom quest pour les big IRL events (genre noel, halloween, paque, nouvel an, HeRO birthday).
Il y a toujours des joueurs qui s'ajoutent, ya des vieux qui s'en vont.

?a te prendra un ptit bout pour t'habitu?, tout le monde est pass? par l?!
Ehm foulouloufo, i don't speak french but welcome anyway \o
Er.... bonjour!??Pfft.. Okay.. I know nothing in French. But anyway, welcome!~

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