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Full Version: Fabre thinks..
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i think that extended classes need access to orcus equivical gear. even if its lvl 90+requirement to use.
what do you guys think.
i see that many of you have looked at this but no posts, ??
orcus gear is so customizable, and slotted at that. it also has a great set bonus-and has accessorys that further allows you to build your character-. i feal extended classes should be able to benifit from orcus gear as well. extendeds need something like this set or just added to the orcus gear already. even if you have to lvl99 prerequ it for them. just recapping/bump cause i am serious about this suggestion, and would like to hear the servers thoughts on it aswell.
Personally, I'm all for anything that makes the extended classes more versatile/fun to play/etc. Dunno what stats to put on those kinds of gears, though...
the question is ,where do you want extended classs to be in powerlvl, like all mmorpgs classskills are a bit rock/paper/scissor based and the harder places in the game are balanced for trans classes.

Considering 99ing an extended takes about half the xp needed for a 99 trans i think they shouldnt be in the same power range as those.
most extended classes have niche roles in which they perform great already.
Extendeds are imo meant to be quirky chars that fit niche roles,works for sg,linker,and ninja, arguably gs has most probs because its too narrow and too close to snipers in its role.

Prob is if you tried to make them more useful in general they might start getting op in their niche, just imagine how much better heat sgs will be, about 1-2k more hp, 30+ atk and maybe next str bonus on a char that is great already.

I see the point tho that as an extended player one might feel bad about the power creep that orcus gear was for almost all offensive classes, but the gap between todays nontrans options and Orcus Gear is too big imo,
would need more carefully balanced customs which seems hard to do
The problem really comes from the fact that extended cannot trans. While they're faster to get up to max, they're also capped out faster. Almost all really *good* gears are translocked already, you aren't in danger of making extendeds too powerful by granting them some (or all, honestly) trans gears. Remember, trans gets more skill and stat points.

And it's not like extendeds are even that common in the first place. You know how many serious es- linkers are even on this server? Or how often I get asked "What are you?" or "What is that?" Or all of the blank stares I get when I talk about combos?

Hell, even with the new event hat that had bonus damage to estin/estun (unfair for female (I think it was female) linkers, estin only damages small, estun does med/small; kinda shows that even the GMs don't understand how es-linkers work; on top of that raw int with an Isilla tends to be more beneficial over all, especially since Esma is your damage ability, not tin/tun)...

-Prof has more utility and is also a single-target caster. While a prof lacks any-element spells, the prof has Webs, Dispell, Soul Change, Health Conversion, Dragonology (even more free int), double bolting, access to easy uninterruptable cast (Orlean's Robe), a much better shield (Book of Charms (slotted, 2 int and 10% stun attacker; compare to anything but that over-refine int card in a +8-10 SLOTTED Memory Book, and the BoC wins)), SoP and Books... Prof is all around better in a party than an esma linker.

-Snipers have physical any-element, and can AoE with SS, meaning they basically obsolete Es-Linkers in terms of anything but high def low mdef situations.

Support linkers can go in naked, they do their voodoo regardless of stats (though high vit and dex help).

Star Glads are entertaining but a prof+champ or sniper does it faster and/or easier and/or with less gears, on top of not having to designate specific maps for them to be even viable on. Sure they can reset it... by completing at least three of Kaguya-hime's impossible requests.

TKs are only interesting when they're ranker, which to maintain requires a lot more work than 99/70ing a transed class.

And you already acknowledged that Slingers are kinda like Snipers only weaker by a lot (dat elemental advantage).

Extendeds aren't in danger of being OP. They're highly balanced with raw skill and stat restrictions (did you know that es-linkers cannot pvp and stun themselves if they aren't careful? That Slingers don't have easy access to elemental property attacks? That Star Glads can only pick at most three maps for them to not suck on?). The problem they have is that new gears are always being released as translocked. It means trans is getting farther and farther ahead with an already lengthy lead.

In the name of making the game enjoyable, I suggest we allow at least *some* translocked gears to be used by extendeds.... And make some *actual* ones for them from Orcus if you don't like the idea of letting them use the translocked ones.
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