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Full Version: @Duel cooldown
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I"d like to know why cooldown time on duel is 1 minute. That thing cancels ability to use skills like Mind Breaker or Provoke while partying (leveling/MVPing).
As heRO is pretty old server I guess that cooldown was added for a reason. And still I would like to know if it was implemented for a reason or nobody ever haven't thought about it here, so it was left as default.
Duel is not activated by default, so there is no "default" time for it I'm guessing. I don't think it needs to be changed, sorry.
Can I know why do you think it shouldn't be changed? Sometimes casting provoke on sniper or mind breaker on hw is quiet useful. Although it's not that easy to do and requires some kind of skills and fast reaction. Besides that point could make more sense in playing as FS professor in pvm/mvp parties. Also that could bring up some kind of hardcore mode playing as HW and make prof's gameplay more interesting comparing to what it usually includes: health conversion, soul change, web, bolt lvl 1, which are mainly 4 buttons to use.
If cooldown will be at 0 seconds - I can't see any way to abuse it. And as I said before there"s quiet a few people who knows how to do it or who would learn how to do it.
I like playing fs prof only because of mind breaker, and with out possibility to use that skill it becomes not that much fun class to play with as HP, since I use all 3 bars of skills filled with skills, consumables and gears to swap while playing as HP.
Anyway... Pandora, please think of it, maybe we could change it. I'm sure that it would make HWs and profs gameplay harder, more chargeable and more interesting even that it is atm. However, for those who don't want to or can't use it that would make no difference at all. And I don't really think it can be abused somehow since mind breaker lasts only for 20 seconds, means it have to be rebuffed often, and while being in duel HW can't do any damage to monsters.

Guys, please leave ur opinion about that thing here.
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