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Forum introductions were never really my thing. Or maybe it was because the communities I belonged to, none of my friends were ever really active. Who knows. But at least here, I can have a fighting chance.
Eh. Maybe. :P

M?kay, this will be long-ish, as I think i'm a pretty open person however, no-one is forcing you to read it, so you as you wish, skip my into and just say Welcome, do whatever you wish :3

So this is me. I am Alex. This is Alex. I am me. :D

My A/C unit just turned on and sucked my door closer to the door frame from its previous ajar position. I always find that interesting whenever it happens.

Now I shall now bore you with unneeded information. and multiple dot..thing, OH! multiple bullet points!...wait i don't even have bullet points...MOVING ON!

Now, to try make myself seem less lame?Bio-thing time :D
I?ve been alive for bunches of ever so boring years. I usually don't act my age, been through too much.
I strongly dislike when people judge me based on my age.
I live in Sydney, Australia, on a hunk o? rock called Earth.
I?m Bi, yes, you didn't need to know this, but I did say I'm an open-ish person.
I think I'm interesting.
You need to see past the boring me to notice it.
I put everything in puzzles for people to figure out.
I get mood swings.
I hate people who act stupid about who I am.
I don't lie but I tell half a story.
I own a cat - Pharaoh, and he's my best fried, yes, my best friend is a cat, knocked your socks off, eh?
I love socks. I own a few bajillion pairs.
I sleep through classes.
I write loads of random crap; poems, stories, character ideas, and loads of other senseless junk.
I reckon I have one of the best music tastes ever
I hate the heat
I love the wind, rain and general coldness.
I?m hopeless at sports of any kind, and when I must play I stand in a corner and act invisible, or pretend to be a tree, sometimes a shrub.
If I hear a tune I like, I sing. and dance.
I play guitar, both acoustic and electric, the piano and do vocals.
I dislike smilies, be it on the forums or IM.
I tend to have a short-ish attention span,a get distracted by shiny things.
And I have a habit of messing up occasions.

Yes, I'm a weirdo, but being plain is like...so boring?
Screw conformity.

That?s my life's story?what?s yours?

It?s a pleasure to meet ye.

Farewell~ :3
Welcome Icon_lol
Wintermute Wrote:My A/C unit just turned on and sucked my door closer to the door frame from its previous ajar position. I always find that interesting whenever it happens.
I always wondered why doors do that I'm convinced its not the ac

Wintermute Wrote:I don't lie but I tell half a story.
OMg I'm so gonna use that! if I may have your approval anyway

Wintermute Wrote:I sleep through classes.
nothing wrong with catching up on sleep Icon_biggrin

Wintermute Wrote:I hate the heat
I love the wind, rain and general coldness.

OMG YES ANOTHER ONE!!!! heat<<<<<<<<<<<<<< COLD!!! ICE SNOW!!! RAIN WIND!!! PWNT!!!

anyway so yeah Welcome Icon_biggrin
Welcome to HeRO Icon_wink
Welcome to heRO and have fun!
Quote:Wintermute Wrote:

I don't lie but I tell half a story.

OMg I'm so gonna use that! if I may have your approval anyway

there is plenty of those sayings

some that i have heard:

"i dont lie, i tell truth in a different light"

"i dont lie, i simply break the truth and reconstruct it to suit my purpose better"

"i dont lie. wait, thats a lie. now which one is the lie?"

"its not a lie, its the twisting of the truth"

"its not a lie, its a political truth"

"i dont lie, i am simply telling the processed/edited truth"

and many more.

anywho, welcome to our little family of heROs
it's all covered in the Liar's Paradox theory rei
first proposed by Epimenides and Eubulides in the 6th and 4th centuries BC respectively
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