heRO-Server Forum

Full Version: Half Joining, Half Leaving?
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I joined the server yesterday with high hopes, but my first day was less than stellar. The main draw of the server for me was that it was advertised as having a "VERY NICE community", and having just recently left my previous community due to it having some not-so-nice people, I was excited to find a place where I could hang out again. But after being on the server for a day, I'm questioning how much of that was truthful.

I basically got told off on @main on my first day for trying to answer someone's question - when I was just trying to help. When I questioned the state of the community, I was told that there were even worse people around. The answer I got basically boiled down to "Our community is nice, except for the people who aren't nice". I don't really find that to be an acceptable answer for a "VERY NICE community".

I am kind of on the fence about whether or not I'm staying, but either way, I wanted to get that off my chest, as it's been weighing me down since yesterday.
I'm very sad to hear that, and wish I was on in game to see the conversation in question.

There are always a few turds in any community, and this place is no exception to it. I hope these people do not completely turn you away.

If they haven't, you are free to PM me here or in Game. :]
Well, everybody can be a jerk at times. Guess you got just a really bad first impression and I hope you may give the server another try.

I'm sorry to hear that, but we're not trying to falsely advertise we are reputed for having a very nice community, usually people are quite helpful. I hope you stick around to experience more.
Unfortunately, the bad apples seem to like trolling on main the most, but the people you generally encounter in-game are very nice. I'm sorry for the bad impression you got.
In truth, there's actually a lot of really really nice people on here, which has kept me going for a while. Unfortunately with every rose comes it thorns, as there are some people who are jerks on here. I'm sorry that your first experience was a bad one (probably due to the jerks being on at that moment). Hopefully if you ever continue you'll spot really kind people. =)
First of all, welcome to hero (sort of).
Second, well, just like every place there is, there will always be good and bad (people). I've been with both and really, many times have I encountered situations like that but there is always someone or some people that are very helpful.
I'm really very sorry to hear about your first impression, but it would be great if you'd give hero another try.
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