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lol, New idea for a frost joke:
Warning !! AV follows you shortly. Have a nice day = )
Frost Joke:
WOOOOHOOOOO, It's freeze time!
STOP! hear the nice freezing icey wind!
Freeze! or I will... er... FREEZE YOU!
Has "eat classical music~!" been suggested for frost joke?

Also, isn't it possible to change your own texts? Or was that a custom feature for that server? People were using it all the time to personalize their bards/dancers.
Yep you can, you just have to put the .txt file(that I don't remember the name) with your lines on your data folder. But the server can input new ones there as well and it's cool for the server to have custom frost joke lines (and pet's too). xD
Frost Joke:
"why did the chicken cross the road?" (followed by any of the following)
- To get to the OTHER side
- because it was on the wrong side
- because the light was green
- because he just wanted to go
- because it was time
(or customize it to your liking)

"So a guy walks into a bar...."

"Did u hear the one about..."

Poring, Poporings, and other pets that loot:
"Master, please don't use @autoloot, i wanna get some items too..."

"How do you like my portrait?"

Nine Tails:
"I've gone vegetarian, no more meat for me thank you..."
"mmm Tofu..."

"*pant* *pant* it's hot here..." (when in morocc or hot areas)
"mmm Chilly, I like it here" (when in lutie or cold areas)

Ice to meet yo *KERFREEEEZE!!!!*
Recycle! Or there will be an Ice Age!
Ever see a Gypsy use a man's belt as a whip?
How does killing a monster let me learn a skill of my choice?
This land is your land~, this land is my land...
I am NOT a bubble-butt!
People fear death all the time. Don't worry: you respawn.
Seriously, if you can drink potions this fast...
How come I gotta feed my pet and not myself~ :O
How does one attack with Ghost element? Is Casper here?
How is it, you drink a potion, and your bottle disappears?
Nuu, I dun wanna go to bed!
For men feeling inadequate, take my FDA-unapproved pills!
My pants are too tight. How do these raise dexterity?
Me again!!!

frost joke:
"freeze, froze... frozen!"
"sing, sang... sung!"

Wild rose:
when eat: "hum... I reeeaaly like fish..."
"salmon is great! *chomp*"
"purrrr... *chomp* *chomp* *chomp*"

when "master" dies: "can I take a cat-nap too???"
"wake up master!!! you are sleping even more than myself!!!"
"hey... master... why your heart stoped?"

random talk: "~oooohh... I'm a little rose... I'm a gentle rose... I'm a wild rose! MEOW!~"
"I'm just tired... can you let me take a nap?"

when "master" get more one lvl: "NICE! now stop to take a nap with me!"
"did is the lvl 99 nearby?"
"why is soo especial to get a lvl? there is a lot..."

when "performaced": "Meeeoooww... I like it... <3"
"please... scrath slower..."
"purrrrrrrrrrrr... scrath more... please!"

sorry me for my bad english...

(edited 1 time)
"to be or not to be..."

"and you said what now?"

frost joke:

"What do you get when you swim in GH? A CRAMP!"
"What did doppelganger say when he killed a party of Knights? "YAY! job 40!""
"Mmm, You touch my tralala~"
"Have a break, Have a leafcat!" <<<---- i really cant remember who i heard this from >.>;


"Hey Mr. Knight, I Don't want to ride your Peco~!"
"STFU~!!!! D:"
"HAHA! you said poop~!"
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