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its a fun anime/manga the manga has 13 vol atm or 72 chs, vol 13 isnt fully out atm and for some reason they are lagging it w/ the scans.. oh well its really fun

Plot - In a world where monsters called Yoma prey on humans and live among them in disguise, humanity's only hope is a new breed of warrior known as Claymores. Half human, half monster, these silver-eyed slayers possess supernatural strength, but are condemned to fight their savage impulses or lose their humanity completely.

Its very fun and i highly recommend it.
I'm watching the anime, it's very good :D
Claymore is an awesome anime. I actually like it much better than bleach and naruto. The anime itself has no fillers so far, and it follows the manga almost perfectly. But then if you cant stand some bloody scenes (its more or less like bleach actually), you probably wouldnt like it too much. I still strongly recommend this anime tho.
Yeah, it's great. Too bad it's over, though. The ending makes it seem there is a part two.
Hmm looks like its good I think I'll research it on google XD
Personally this anime had let me down quite a bit. It had very good potential when it started and was even following the manga very closely but around episode 20 it basicly went downhill for me. It totally moved away from the manga and made up its own random plot that didn't really work well or make a lot of sense in my opinion. Though this is based on a Shonen Jump series so don't worry there shouldn't be an end in site for the manga or anime.
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