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What's the logic behind the new rule regarding guild emblems?

Rule in Question

It seems kind of limiting towards newer guilds that might potentially join.
Pretty much, during WoE there was some recent abuse of guilds flat out removing their guild emblem.

By the time you are able to get the guild skill 'Approval' (the one that lets you fight in WoE), you should already have your emblem. The emblem allows for visibility, and it lets people know that there is an enemy in the room you are in.
The rule was agreed upon by all GMs after many complaints of people going around emblem-less during WoE, interfering with any or all of the following:

- Targeting
- Visibility
- Causing Confusion about the emblem-less player being in the same guild or any guild at all
- Causing confusion about the emblem-less player's ability to hit an emperium
- More that I can't recall right now

Oddly enough, some mentioned it being a rule (or at least being punishable) back in the times of Legendary Warriors, but it got removed or simply disappeared for reasons unknown. I can't confirm it was or not, only that it now is.

Personally, I don't consider it limiting for guilds that are truly new. It's done on many servers that are more WoE-oriented than us, and emblems are one of the most basic forms of expression of a guild and its uniqueness/individuality. A few mil extra exp obtained shouldn't be a huge dissuasive, especially with how many easy sources of exp there are.
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