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Full Version: Melosythe & Sarell!
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Hey there Icon_smile

My name is Melosythe and I'm new here =D. My sister and I were looking for a Server to play on together and we finally decided on heRO. And I'm quite happy with that choice. :] To me, I'm seventeen years old, from Germany and play RO ever since I can remember, because the whole family played Laugh . Now only me and my sister play, but my Mom is thinking of playing again, so yeah. Maybe we'll be three people soon Icon_razz. Well, I love farming, espically Headgears(I gotta collect them all!) and I love making my chars look cute. My favorite classes are a Farmer Rogue, Knight and Priests. =)

My sisters name is Sarell and she'd love to introduce herself, but her english isn't that good :<. So I'll just introduce her! She is 27 years old, had a long RO pause but thanks to me, she plays again! Her favorite classes are Hunter and Rogue. She also likes to collect Headgears, so we'll be doing that a lot. :]

Okay, well, we'll see you ingame! c:

Melosythe & SarellIcon_biggrin
Welcome to the server Icon_smile
WOW thats a wonderful family !!! I wish my parents can play RO too XD
feel free to ask anything, also be sure to read wiki LINK so you know many awesome stuff in our server, anyway good luck and hope to see you ingame :3

also dont forget to make review on our server if you have free time here XD link

A family of RO gamers, that's awesome. :D
woot! welcome welcome! HeRO has surely A LOT of headgears, many of them really cute and/or useful =D
Thanks a lot, guys! =)
Yeah, a family full of gamers surely has an advantage, hehe. We already looked trough the wiki and we already made a list for headgears we ABSOLUTELY want :D (which is like, everything, lol)
Btw, my future Priestess Erinth actually aquired her first headgear! A Lunatic in the novigrounds dropped the Lunatic Hat. My sister is quite jealous now xD We have to kill some more Lunatics so she does get one, too :'D
And in a few days, after I got to know this server better, I, or we, will definitely write a review! So far, it really is fun to play here. Icon_smile

*EDIT* She got a Lunatic Hat too, yay! And that lucker got, on top of that, a Poring Hat <.< Let the Headgear war begin =P
Welcome to the server :D! Seriously, that's a wonderful family activity~~
I totally get your headgear obsessions. I have many headgears myself *_*...
You're going to love when we finally get our costume system in the game.

You can find official headgear guides on ratemyserver.net from their quest database.

Some official hats I recommend making: Crunch Toast, Raccoon Hat, Wonder Nutshell, Red Ribbon

Easier custom questable hats: Buddy Beanie, Peco Peco Hairband, Bamboo Hat, White Sailor Hat

Best of luck and have fun here with your sis, and your mom if she decides to join too. ;D
RO is 51% headgears for real
Welcome to the family o/ please do ask us in main if you guys having trouble for something
Welcome to the server!

If you're on the lookout for hats, then always refer to the heRO wiki to find a good list of hats available in the server!
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