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Full Version: heRO Loading Screen Contest (Summer 2007)
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Hi Everyone!

It's time for a new loading screen contest!

I ripped this post there:
Original text, idea and template by GM-Feith.

Here it comes : the heRO Screen Contest! As a result for this, you may see your image in-game, when the game is loading between maps. You have to choose between three categories : Screen Shot, Digital Art, Artwork.

Every category is based on Ragnarok, so do not introduce other features like animes, other games, music bands and such. Only Ragnarok relative content please.

I'm giving you a template, a .psd, for photoshop users, and you have to use it to create your image. I'll explain about it later. ***Don't worry if you don't have any idea how to use photoshop or if you dont have it. Be sure to post your creation and your in-game name, i'll make it for you.***

Let me explain the categories :

Screen Shot : This is about an in-game screen-shot, using the printscreen button on your keyboard. For this one you have to be original and think. Since almost everyone is able to make Screenshots, be sure you have something really interesting. You can make it funny as a joke or show us some beautiful landscapes or show us something that happenned in an event and you think that is important for heRO Players. Those are examples, i'm sure you'll be able to find something. You can add a little text to explain your screenshot, but no big modification or montage (else it falls in the digital Art category).

Digital Art : This is for Photoshop skilled users. You have to create an image, a composition using Ragnarok images found over the ragnarok official website (iRO or kRO). Using other's property such as fan arts will be automatically disqualified, use the offical stuff. You may use your own screenshots tho.

Artwork : Illustrationists, this is for you! This is about fan art of Ragnarok. Show us what are your drawing skills. You may post your sketches but make some arrangements, like using the levels/curves for more contrasts. There you can use alot of stuff such as ink, watercolors, acrylic, coloring pencils, photoshop, painter...

The rules:

- Every participants may post ONE IMAGE in EVERY category, for a maximum 3 entries.
- A participant can win in ONLY ONE category
- Be sure you are using the template. If not, considerate your image will be added inside the template by a GM.
- Be sure you read everything in this post before you start.
- Use the procedure given to you to upload your image.
- If you have any questions, post in THIS thread.

*** DEADLINE for the Contest is July 30th ***

(If I find there is not enough entries the deadline will be extended)

Uploading procedures :

- Choose a website such as photobucket.com, imageshack.us or your own FTP
- Upload your image ,.jpg ONLY, using the proper method (keep your original)
- Then post the LINK, not your image, i want only THE LINK of your image in this thread with your IN GAME NAME please.
- I'll update this post with Every links for each categories.

Using the template

Okay first download the .psd file here :

You'll have something like this :
[Image: screen_contest_template.jpg]

In this file you have the exact dimensions of the loading screen. Do not alter the dimensions. All you have to do is to follow the layer's instructions. The red rectangle is where the loading bar will appear, you can hide it is just to help you. Every locked layers need to be remain locked, do not change, move, hide them. Use the grey field to work and everything will be perfect.

Don't forget to replace these :

"Your Name" > Your main ingame name.
"DD/MM/YY" > The date you make your creation.
"Your category" > Screen Shot, Digital Art or Artwork.

***Don't change the color or the font.

You can change the "loading.." text or remove it, you can add more text, and the rest is up to you.

The "wide screen effect" is ONLY for the screenshot category. Hide it if you don't need it.

I put some guides to help you with your text, you can hide them when you are working. (View > Hide Guides.)

About the missing fonts, don't worry about them, if you do not change the locked layers, the font will remain the same.

The jury is not yet decided but it will include myself (Pandora), perhaps Feith if he wants to / has time and maybe more.

The Prize for every winner (each category) will be :

- 10 Allegiance Points
- 250 000 zennies
- 1 OCA
- 2 OPB
- and a Love Bear Hat[/b]

Here is an exemple GM-Feith made in 15-20 minutes :

[Image: screen_contest_exemple.jpg]


http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b284/l...est2-1.jpg (Enna)
http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/2144/...iftdu8.jpg (Swift)
http://i200.photobucket.com/albums/aa203...oading.jpg (Rei)
http://img122.imageshack.us/img122/7567/...estcc2.jpg (Shin)
http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c393/p...screen.jpg (poeticwings)
http://img228.imageshack.us/my.php?image...opymd3.jpg (Kadar)
http://i16.tinypic.com/52l7mah.jpg (Altaire)

Digital Art:
http://img518.imageshack.us/my.php?image...estfs6.jpg (Flossy)
http://i200.photobucket.com/albums/aa203...copy-1.jpg (Rei)
http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b284/l...est2-1.jpg (Enna)
http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c98/bi...eenie1.jpg (Joy)
http://img126.imageshack.us/img126/7185/...talfz7.jpg (Shin)
http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c393/p...screen.jpg (Poeticwings)
http://s68.photobucket.com/albums/i15/pa...gital2.jpg (FaithStar)
http://i12.tinypic.com/643ugj5.jpg (Felix)

http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c393/p...onryun.jpg (Poeticwings)
http://i14.tinypic.com/6cq51g8.jpg (Ryxingeir Roo)
http://s68.photobucket.com/albums/i15/pa...=art05.jpg (FaithStar)
http://i18.tinypic.com/5z2tstk.jpg (Aaronock)


Screenshot: http://i16.tinypic.com/52l7mah.jpg (Altaire)
Digital Art: http://i12.tinypic.com/643ugj5.jpg (Felix)
Artwork: http://s68.photobucket.com/albums/i15/pa...=art05.jpg (FaithStar)
Name: Flossy
Date: 22/06/07
Category: Digital Art


Sorry about that red bar Pandora n_n;;
Here's My Entry for the Digital Art Section, I'll be making one for the Artwork Section, that'll just take a while. When I do get done with it, do I just edit this post, or post a new reply?

Digital Art Entry:
Nice work guys!

One small thing, can you remove the red bar (hide that layer).

You can make a reply when you have another entry to post ^_^
Name: Enna
I made these WAY back for the first screen shot contest, and was about 20 minutes late for the deadline, so i thought i would post em now.

Digial art

Screen Shot

Edit: Fixed the date

Would be cool if you could modify the date however ^_^
Jubei Wrote:Name: Enna
I made these WAY back for the first screen shot contest, and was about 20 minutes late for the deadline, so i thought i would post em now.

Digial art

Screen Shot
lol... posting old images is cheating! XD;;

hmm... now if i just had an idea, and time... i'd enter the drawing portion (though i'm sure people would prefer if i didn't, lol)
All entries welcome! The more the merrier ^_^
Name: Swift
Date: 22/06/07
Category: ScreenShot
Cause I can, I decided to make a Screenshot entry of the Thanatos Event when everyone died XD

Ryx: You should enter the art contest! I'll be entering too!

and I edited my first post and got rid of the Loading Bar

Screenshot Entry:
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