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Full Version: Trick or Treat Event
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The mischievous spirit known as Boo is back again!

He'll be trick or treating from now until Halloween ends. He'll appear to players in fields, towns, or just about anywhere except the novice areas or prison. He will accept candy, candy cane, and cake of any kind. If you give him at least one of any of those, you'll receive a treat in return!

If you don't... Then you're in for a tricky treat!
Bump! Remember to keep candy on you at all times, you never know when Boo will show up! He's changed things up a bit now. The fancier the sweets are, the more or varied your rewards your be!

For example: While a simple candy or lucky candy cane will fetch you a bloody branch, a death by chocolate might fetch you some gold, a DCA or a jewelry box!
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