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Full Version: Flamberges of elements
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Hi Blacksmiths, I need to buy element flamberges like the ones that were sold a few months ago in Izlude to try to improve them at high levels. Since I have one of each one, do not encourage me to take them beyond the assured level.
Big King is my name in the game. grateful of those who read the post and in debt to those who sell me. No1
Hey there. I got lucky and made you a fire one but you were gone before by the time I came back to town. Lemme know when you'll be around.
ohh thank you very much, in 5 minutes I will be inside, sitting in prontera
If someone else has flamberges, or wants to put a sales position, please let me know. Many thanks.
BEWARE, for I have (reinstalled and) heard your pleas for pointy objects and restored (most of) Izlude to its former glory (for now)
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