heRO-Server Forum

Full Version: As Lil Orphan Annie once said...
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"Tomorrow, tomorrow, theres always tomorrow."

Just found you guys on one of the top-sites. Until now I'm used to only small small servers (Avg 4-7 ppl at one time on server). Yeah, it gets boring. Community was cool, lots of custom items, but like.. not enough people. I want to experience 'novice-ness' WITH someone, ya know? Well, the player count here seems to be strong (imo, I see 50+ online right now) and like, I'm digging the alliance system. Makes me want to hop back into roleplaying.

Anyways, the other server/s only required SaKray so I'm downloading Rag right now. Unfortunately its about 9hours long, BUT I have to go to work in 20min anyways so its not going to bug me. I'll install everything after I get back from work (I'm in EST, so it'll be tomorrow for me) and then head for bed. Maybe someone will want to hit me up and start a novice with me? I'm not very exp'd but I -do- know a few things.

Me? : I'm 20yrs old, currently working 3rd shift @ Frito Lay but getting ready for Pre-Med classes in college. I hate my job like most Americans but its paying the bills for now. I like long walks in the park and adventures on the sea with mi pirate companions. Well, that last bit was mostly just a dream I had. Speaking of which, I had an awesome dream last night but I'll stop myself before I go into a rant.

I like roleplaying, and I've only recently just started playing RO, but like I said, small server. I'm in the middle of re-scheduling because of the new factory job ( games - girls - work - gym - & sleep ) so I don't know when I'll be on the most right now. This is 'recreation' time. Icon_wink Anyways, I guess I'll get ready for work. Looking forward to meeting you guys, bye!

"You're only a day away"
Welcome to the server and I hope you find some new friends here. Icon_wink
Welcome new weird guy. Since you just started, go level on Peco Peco eggs. If you get a card, you can start a rich start. Whistle
Welcome ^_^

Dont be afraid to use the main channel to communicate, it will help you make friends fast and who knows maybe if you ask someone will want to start a novice at the same time. Don't forget to grab your newbie pack from the old lady, just after passing the hero guardian!
You only ever need sak on every server >.> Just make sure you have the dll and bgm packs.
Welcome welcome! If you ever want someone with lower-level characters to level with, I'm your girl ;D I've got like fifty jillion. Just @main for Liz and if I'm on I'll respond (I've got far too many characters to even try listing them all Sweat ). :D I'm always looking for people to level my other characters with, since grinding by myself makes me sad.
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