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Full Version: forum & game ID
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im new to the server and i'm trying to find out if i need to have a diffrent game id than my formum id

and if so where do i make it?

Since the control panel is down, to register in game, you have to use the _M/_F system. If you don't know what that is, here's a run down:

In the username field when you try to log in to the game, type your username, followed by _M or _F, if you want to be male or female, respectively. Then, the next time you log in, just type in your username as you normally would. For example, if I wanted to register my username like that, the first username + password combination I would type in is:


Then, after I log out and eat lunch, I would type in:


to log in.

If that fails, PM GM-Pandora with some information. I don't know what information (hopefully someone else can reply and give you that), but I'm going to guess:


And welcome to the server. =)
Thank you Kyasharin for answering, for more information Scorpian you can read this thread Register an account http://pandoraonline.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=2096
You should have all the information you need to log on the server. Welcome Icon_biggrin
Your Game ID and forum ID can be the same....to answer the other half of your question. Just remember, if you game ID and forum ID are the same, thats one less piece of information someone would have to try and find if they wanted to "hack/steal" your account. (not very likely but its happened to me on other servers) Welcome to the server btw. Enjoy

Icon_redface -Asumi-
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