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Full Version: Chat suggestions.
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Back on XeRO we had a neat way of chatting in Main, Party, or Guild chat, respectively, without the need for button clicks or long codes (Like "@main" before every freakin' sentence.??X_x)

We used %, #, and something else.??I know we tried the period, but a lot of people would then accidentally send two periods to whichever chat the period represented when they typed an ellipsis ("...").??LoL

Anywho, that's the only chat suggestion I can think of.??The only other suggestion that comes to mind would be "@command(s)" to list all of the available @ commands; but I hear there's a list here in the forums, so that's not too bad.??/no1

If it makes it easyer for you to chat on main, you can type @main in your whisper box. If you do that all of your messages will be sent to main chat.
unless they did some serious hexing to the client those commands should work too, that's a default setting in the clients.

$ for guild
% for party

yep that's what those are ._.
I believe xero was not eAthena based, thus the commands were different. As someone mentionned you can write "main" in your pm box for easy conversation on the channel. $ and % still work as far as I know, those are official.
Ah, well, that's just as well then. ^_^
xero used freya. good ol' freya.
Yeah that's what I thought.
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