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Full Version: Could have sworn I already suggested this...
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I remember suggesting that we have some kind of pot that ups Walking Speed sold by Tool Dealers for a fair price since we have to walk everywhere until we unlock warps.??A quest would be reasonable, I suppose like the fruit juice quest (collect ASPD Pot + Guarana or something =p ).

What happened to that post???0.o?
Puppies to the left of me.
Puppies to the right.
The tumultuous uproar
Of yips and yaps...
I would like those
I hate not being able to snipe when a Very Fast moving monster comes towards me and I don't have time to react
Those pots would give me an extra boost to run away =D
There are some although i still dont know how to get em just ask around
Master Chief Wrote:There are some although i still dont know how to get em just ask around

They're called fish. I'm thinking Angel Fish(?). Anywho, you can buy those from merches for, like, 1500 a pop. I was on one server that sold Bawls Guarana that gave you Lvl 10 whatever Priest skill ups walking speed. The GM's sold 'em every now and then for, I think, 700z.

They were aweome. Had lil' Bawls bottle for the item and eerything. Laugh
Giving Lv 10 Agi Up will be rather imbalanced... If Acolyte classes invested a hefty 10 points in that skill, then it will be rather unfair if someone else can "buy" the same thing for only 700z or whatever the cost is.

Angel fish restores a great amount of hp and sp, with negative potential side effects, but it does not affect movement speed.

Peco Peco pet, if the map has no monsters, will give movement speed up as its pet skill if it is equipped. Also, Namin? is pretty sure that Box of Thunder already exist to perform that same purpose. Gargoyle card gives a chance to drop a Box of Thunder whenever an insect monster is killed.

As for problem of sniping... believe that is a problem every player faced, and many has overcome. Namin? likes to choose a map with monsters her dancer can handle, and avoid the fast monster problem all together for safety reasons. On the other hand, skilled players have their own methods, without relying on special items for convenience sake, to train against fast moving monsters, and therefore get the faster experience that they rightfully deserves.

There is really no need to make Speed Potions outside of the race tracks. Outside of the race tracks, there is already Box of Thunder for those who took the precious time to hunt gargoyles for this lovely card that can generate this helpful item.
and to add on to namin?'s post there's also:

authoritative badge
bloody axe
eagle wing + wing staff (mage classes + SL)
moonlight flower card
and of course the ever popular "sleipnir"

also if you do "the paper card"'s card combo there's also an increase in movement speed for that.

and finally if I recall correctly (unless changed by pandora of course). Munak, Bongun, and Hyegun all drop speed pots.
Munak, Bongun and Yao Jin only drop Speed Pots if they are the race track version of the monsters. Namin? is certain that the normal version of those monsters will not drop them.

Authoritative Badge is also an important item that Namin? missed... afterall, people farm these specific movement up item for WoE, and used the effort to go all over the world finding insect monsters for gargoyle cards, then go to payon to mine badges and so on... gargoyle card maybe a bit harder, but the badge should not be overly difficult. Sohee is not exactly a tough monster, and the rate for them dropping the badge is relatively high too.
Namine Wrote:Munak, Bongun and Yao Jin only drop Speed Pots if they are the race track version of the monsters.

That's right, wasn't 100% which it was so I looked it up Icon_lol

Thanks Namine No1
Just a note, yes Box of Thunder does exist on this server.
Ahh, I never knew those objects existed.??Aside, how detrimental is a buyable pot that ups walking speed?

Futhermore, I was speaking of something that only ups walking speed - albeit, temporarily - not a full Agi Up pot; and something which was easily obtainable.??Moonlight Flower, Paper, or Gargoyle cards???Blood axe, authoratative badge, or eagle wing + wing staff???Those are great ways to make walking faster free, but by the time I get those all of my warps will be unlocked and I'll be using them for more than walking fast.

A pot that ups walking speed would in no way inhibit Aco's use of Agi up since it would only affect walking speed and AGI Up does alot more than make you walk fast.??Again, I am speaking of something that only affects walking speed.

The only bad I see in this is that players will no longer be so victimized by monsters faster and stronger than them; but I think most people will agree with me that they'd pay 700z for 5 min of out-running that faster, stronger monster any day.

And, Jesus Christ, answer my question as to why you refer to yourself in the third person.??I will not stop asking.??It boogles my mind, I've never known someone to do that save for me when I used to refer to myself as "This one." o_o
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