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Full Version: Silvanel weekly Auction
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silvanel Wrote:check a few post back , Its clearly said that all auctiopn ends in 24 hours exept for the clock tower manager card which would end??in 3 days.

I guess when you say "Auction ends in at 8" it sounds like, the entire auction, though that doesn't change the fact editing a post so that people don't know you bid is still underhanded. Icon_razz
I'm sorry, I just didnt have the money to bid at the time, and when I did, I didnt want to double post, it still should have showed up as a new post
Craix Wrote:I'm sorry, I just didnt have the money to bid at the time, and when I did, I didnt want to double post, it still should have showed up as a new post
Well it didn't, and if Silv wants to settle for a lower bid, so be it, it is his shop anyways. Icon_razz
lol im guilty craix of doing the same thing and i did it for the same reason so dont feel bad.
Added New items!
I've been trying to contact you ingame, but we're never on at the same time.
Ive been trying to contact you since friday. I got on at many different hours asking for you ...
Eh, well, I'll log on now for an hour or so.. >_O
Pest 1 mil
2 mil for assassin dagger.
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