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That's right, it's gone. BOOM, and there there was no car! ;o.o

lol, alright. Seriously though. I've been havin some serious problems with my car lately, and I'm left with 10 dollars in my account, and now I have to pay off a 200 dollar loan.

I noticed that my tire was runnin flat after a four day holiday cuz of the new year. So, like any sane person, I put some air in it. It was flat by the end of the hour, so I decided I would take it to the shop while I was on break. Well, I get to work for the morning, and my oil pan lite goes off. I check my oil, and great, I''m bone dry. So I run down to the shop, and have them fix my tire. I ask the guy to go ahead and do an oil change while the tire was bein repared. I come back later on only to find that the oil has run straight through the engine, and left a huge puddle all over the ground. Turns out the pump pretty much sploded, and needed to be fixed... then the bills came. x.x

So here I am, after quite a headache of a problem with my car, and waiting on my next pay check so I can pay some more bills, and get some gas... lol.

I gueess the moral of this story is... life comes at you fast. Just plan ahead a little and try to budget out a little extra cash for a rainy day, and you should come out of it fine.
Indeed, everyone should always have a little "cushion" of money saved up for emergencies, never know when you're gonna need it, you'll breath easier also. Hope things turn out ok for you Zanias ^_^
Exactly, I've been doing this little *cushion* for the passed 2 years, and I'm only 21 heh... I accumulated around 3500$ for now... I'm aiming around 4000$ or 5000$ for a comfortable cushion before making any big expenses. You never know what will happen, be prepared and don't live "on a daily basis" and only look at the present, if you do, you will have a problem in the future.

PS: Plus, I might have a ~250 000$ heritage to help the cushion even more... lol (evaluated at 284 000$ last I heard), but I don't count on it, you have to always depend on yourself first!
B> Mystra's heritage

Bid = $1
*Pulls a price is right out of her butt*
$2 Laugh
*stabs Aaronock and takes her $2*

New Bid = 1+2...$3!!!

Also, sorry to hear about your car zanias - probably shouldn't spam this thread without commenting on the original post. That really sucks. I remember when my car's transmission and clutch went to hell (not at the same time). I just got rid of it because of how much it would have cost to get it fixed vs it's age.
Oh man. Dude, there's an aid society in the AF, and they payed for my car! I'm going to have to pay them back, but it's at no interest. ^_^ lucky o.o

Hmmm.. *checks account* $10? Oh Mystra's heritage is mine!

Thx fella's. lol, I'm going to start budgeting my coushin cash when I get payed.
Lol, my heritage stays on me and I'l only share it with my true love, friends, and family.
So, Mystra... are you seeing anyone? ^_~

EDIT: Or, I suppose we could be friends. I think the "family" part is a bit of a stretch for me...as far as I know Icon_biggrin
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