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Full Version: Friend Guild: Pirate booty
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Ok so like we're the guild pirate booty, fissioned off from Razorblade Soldiers because like 2/3s was inactive for various reasons and it's discouraging to see 1/34 players connected.

Ideally we're a group of people who get along really well who play the game for fun and for profit.??We'll WoE when we're ready to WoE, so expect that, but if you're wanting to join the guild and not WoE, that's ALSO fine by us, just tell us in advance that you're not WoEing when you join.

For the time being we are recruiting, this message will change when we decide not to or we fill up.

Requirements to join:
- no brand new RO players, I'm sorry but right now we would like people with at the very least basic understanding of how RO works.
- FLUENTLY english speaking.??We would like people who understand at first glance what we mean when we say something and not have to ask for our clarification.
- no prudes.??Don't mind the fact that we cuss a lot and make rude or lewd jokes in guild chat.??it's normal.??Also don't mind the fact that we occasionally sling a "<player> sucks" around that's ALSO normal for us.??We're a strange group. EDIT: er, to clarify, I mean that we do on occasion insult each other. It's mostly jokingly cause I've never seen anyone actually have a reason to get into a real fight. If they do, they didn't do it in guild chat.
- that if you have a gripe with the way the guild is manage or want to suggest something TELL US! we can't make any changes if you don't let us know that you do or don't like something! SPEAK UP!

Players that we will not accept:
- anyone who dissappears for extended periods of time then demands that we do stuff for him/her when he/she DOES show up for 2 or 3 hours.
- people who promise to do something, then don't
- people who refuse to use normal english and always use slangy short forms such as ur for you're or the like even though it would only take an additional 5 seconds to type the full word at the worst.
- 1337 speakers.??We will mock you, then boot you.
- someone unwilling to even entertain the idea that they may be wrong.

Things to take into consideration:
- we will be reserving space for anyone in Razorblade that returns to active status and wishes to join us. So if it's a choice between someone we haven't been in a guild with before, and someone from Razorblade, we'll go with the razorblade member, no offense.
- those on the "ruling council" so to speak (currently, any ex-RBS member until we work out that detail), have the right to remove you from the guild if you do not meet our standards. If you ask we will tell you why.

anyways with that said.??This will be our HeRO hangout.??DISCUSS!
I'd like to keep hanging out with the active people! Though I will confess, in about a week I'll be on vacation for a little over a week. Is that a problem?
not a problem.
"For Booty!"
Totally my new battle cry, it replaces "Kill Kill Kill!"
cool, my new battle cry turned into: "Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger"
"Mushroom Mushroom!" oh and invite Wind Walker in to the fun guild plox >.> granted i won't really be that active until about mid march, but it would make it nice to come on to friends =)
Ok, so why have people gone poof from the guild this time?
beeman's back, so i put fao back in razorblade. with toast having created a new guild i'd like to get her put in pirate but have to pass off leadership
school. Bug me later.
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