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Full Version: Halo 3 for PS3?
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Hey everyone I heard that its possible that Halo 3 is coming out for the Playstation 3. I dont know if its true but if it is true and you people bought the Xbox 360 then i have to say that you wasted your money because the 360 isnt gonna have great games
they might have 3 or 4 total. I though on the other hand have been pretty interested at what they have been doing with the Revolution. They're taking their time on it to make sure there are no problems. And they will be coming out with good games and seems to be nice graphic and a new controller style and looks like its gonna be much much cheaper. I'm pretty exicted about whats happening with it.
ALOT and I mean ALOT of the gaming companies are giving up on sony and PS3...
Blu Ray is just too hard to code for and so they are going to be less and less games for the PS3...
Even the programers of FF have given up on PS3 and blu ray!
w/e im just saying what i heard. But also, Blu Ray and FF are not the same company's as bungie.
Blu Ray is the media used on PS3
it's so hard to code for Blu Ray that even microsoft won't implement support for it...
I hope the series accualy get better this time.
well you know what? i dont even know what Blu Ray is. I'm only 14 all i care about is beating these games and telling people about crappy games or systems.
well i was explaining to you
you know the cds you use?
they use a red laser to burn stuff onto them
the next wave of media is HD DVDs and Blu Ray
Blu Ray is going to die (it is the media PS3 is using) because it's too hard to code for because the encryption on it is so messed up~
Mr. Bard Wrote:well you know what? i dont even know what Blu Ray is. I'm only 14 all i care about is beating these games and telling people about crappy games or systems.

How can you tell if the system is crappy or great if they're brand new?

Xbox 360 just came out like two months ago. PS3 isn't even out yet. It's really not even possible to know Halo 3 will be on PS3 without working at Bungie, and even some people who work with them aren't allowed to know.

Video game rumors are almost always false. *points at Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children supposed to be released november of last year, in America. It's January now.*
Halo the movie is supposed to be released next year. That most likely is going to change. Release info is never for sure except when it's coming out of the company's mouth at a press conference.
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