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Full Version: Whoo. Hello all.
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Hi. I'm SilverToa AKA U.N.C. AKA UberNinjaCerberus AKA Merchanman AKA??Great Lord Satan. I play lots of video games, and I've been on a few other servers for RO specifically, but so far this one's hands down the best. I tend to go against the grain, and I like to argue. So just because I'm defending a point in @main, don't nessacarally assume that's where I stand. Additionally, I like making weird charecters, so expect lots of stuff like battle mages, Int pure swordies and cartless merchants. A waste of a charecter you say? Bah, you just don't know how to have fun Laugh

Whats up?
Welcome, your crazy should make things interesting. Icon_smile
Welcome Icon_biggrin
Let's start off your arguing career in heRO with this question since you like to argue against the mass.

"The Moon is made out of cheese." Now, go defend this statement Evil
Nahhhh Ayu, you shoulda asked him the classic of "did Armstrong land on the moon first?" That one is a bigger conspiracy theory than you know :o

Anyway, welcome to HeRO, I hope you have fun here, it sounds like you would be a laugh a minute to party with and see these characters in action you plan to make :]
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