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How can I change the password on my account?
Splitted the post from another thread to move it to the correct location.

GM-Pandora Wrote:A lot of people have been PMing me for password changes.

Here's the new procedure, for now and until the CP is fixed.

If you need a password change, please send a PM to GM-Auron, he will check your information, confirm by email with you and forward the request to me.

Here are the information you need to include:

- Your login name (not your character name, unless it's the same)
- Your email (the one associated with your account)
- Your current password
- The new password you want

Make sure you include those 3 information. GM-Auron will send you an email to confirm with your the password change, you need to reply to that email. Once he sends me request, I will check in the database, if the email does not match, the password change will be denied.

For people who have created accounts recently with the _M/_F method, you don't have an email associated with your account, just mention that it's an account created with the new method.

If you don't remember your password, mention it in the request, but expect a delay Icon_razz

This new method should speed up the process, I'm sorry for the delay so far for people asking me password changes. If you don't mind, please re-send your request to GM-Auron.
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