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My RO folder is so weird.

But anyway, my options are the annoying as hell snow and most everyone palette, or

No snow, a couple missing palettes and game crash when I get a stupid bunny egg.

The whole patching system is confusing, especially with having to download a new patcher every month.

I'm not quite sure what to do, so someone help me out please Icon_smile
[Image: ggggggggjk6.th.jpg]

RO folder
Hmm, I'm pretty new to this server so I don't know for sure but maybe renaming or deleting your data folder might work.
We don't have a new patcher every month. We had a new one for snow, since it's a 40 mb change we couldn't afford to have that come in a patch.

Just get the newest patcher, then delete neoncube.file and let it patch.

Also, data folder is always a no go, as our new player here says ^_^ rename or delete it.
All right, first up, make sure your sakray is updated please.

Second for the eggs, make sure you have the latest heRO patcher from http://pandoraonline.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=2097.

If that doesn't help, open the file neoncube.ini in the neocube folder and make sure the line change




that is important, you won't patch if its not the second choice.

This will hopefully help you out.

/Edit: Pandora ninja'ed me Icon_cry I'm still leaving my help there so Icon_razz
ninja panda ATTAAAAAAAAAAACK >.>;; anyway yeah i've nothing more to add =)
he can't help but have a data folder... when you patch kRO/sak it automatically gives you one ._.
o_O wtf? well everyone who has one should rename it, data folder is the ebil.
Yup, it keeps popping up in my game folder too. Icon_razz
Or if it's empty you can leave it be. If not just delete anything that says sclientinfo.xml in the data folder.
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