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Full Version: S> EVERYTHING. that i have (going out of business sale!)
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alright lets get down to it and do a little dance *dances* okay heres what im sellin

CARDS:(not a lot but some can be useful lolololz)

-Tarou card
-Metaling card
-Roda Frog

EQUIPS: ( and a description of the cards on them, because i know some people dont know what cards do @_@)
-+6 keen hybrid jur [3] (extra spot)
keen = skeleton card (2% stun and 10 attack)
hybrid = sidewinder card (gives double attack to katars/swords/etc, and if you have level 10 double attack it will work at that level on the weapon you slapped it on)

-+5 keen ice drowsy gladius (pvp wep)
2% stun, 5% freeze and 5% sleep >_> cheap ass dagger in my honest opinion :]

-+5 triple hallowed gladius
60% dmg to shadow prop (used at odins imo)

-+6 VVS ice haed
VVS wind and fire claymores

-+5 dexterous survivors rod (dex)
+4 dex and 300 health

-crimson bolt[2]x2
Armorrrrrrrr: (and headgears)

wow this is a really long post... lets get on with it yarrrrrrrr

- +4coat[1]
- hard coat - 700 hp on the coat
- mantle terrorizing (karakasa card: 3% confusion, if 77str or > 9%)
- guard[1]
- Kitsune mask
- Magistrate hat [1] (look amazingly stylish)
- Drooping wildrose
- Cake hat


-idun's scribbling pencils
-clever clip (2 dex)
-glove [0] (2 dex)
-double forced ring (tarou card, 3 str total, and cramp combo)
- teleport clip <(*-*)>, offer is 3mil already, final sale friday
-haircut coupon
- my soul 100mil, zeny only

anyways i think thats it o.o;;

k ill be seein ya, post offers here, and pm ingame as well

I'z want teh Jur.
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